This was the one thing I hated that they changed. Took me the longest
to go through and update every controller.

The time spent changing this was greater than the time spent upgrading
to 1.3 as a whole.

On May 31, 6:03 pm, Sergei <> wrote:
> $this->pageTitle was removed in 1.3. Use only $this-
> >set( "title_for_layout", "First Page" ) in controller or template.
> On Jun 1, 8:21 am, SeeVik <> wrote:
> > Hello all
> > I just started with CakePHP 1.3.1. I am trying to set the title of a
> > page. I have defined the title_for_layout in the default layout as
> > well, still the view does not get the title I want. Instead it
> > displays the name of controller. Although setting the title_for_layout
> > in the view template works fine. Here's what I am doing....
> > // /app/controllers/nodes_controller.php
> > class NodesController {
> >   $name = "Nodes";
> >   $uses = array();
> >   $helpers = array( "Html" );
> >   function index() {
> >      $this->pageTitle = "First Page"; // This does not work
> >   }
> > }
> > // /app/views/nodes/index.ctp
> > <php $this->set( "title_for_layout", "First Page" ); // This works ?>
> > What am I doing wrong here? Can somebody help me out.
> > Thanks and Regards
> > ShiVik

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