It should work with Containable behavior.

for example

$categories = $this->Category->find('all', array('contain' =>
array('Item' => array('Label'))));

should return an array like:

Category 1
     Item 1
          Label 1
     Item 2
          Label 2
Category 2
    Item 3
          Label 3

On Jun 7, 10:17 pm, bmcelhany <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been working on this for a while and searching for a solution,
> but can't seem to get it working correctly. Let's say I have Category,
> Label, and Item models with the following associations:
> Category hasMany Items
> Item belongsTo Category
> Label hasMany Items
> Item belongsTo Label
> So, Categories and Labels are completely unrelated, but the Item
> belongs to both of them. Now, in my Category view (and Category
> controller) I want to display the Cateogry info (obviously) and a list
> of all of that Category's Items. So far so good. However, what I'd
> also like is, for each Item that is listed, to display that Item's
> associated Label. Something like:
> Category 1
>      Item 1 (Label for Item 1)
>      Item 2 (Label for Item 2)
> Category 2
>      Item 3 (Label for Item 3)
> I've tried different combinations of recursion (on all three models)
> and I've tried using the containable behavior but I can't seem to get
> the Label data to be included. The label data appears fine when I'm
> working with the Item views and controller, but when I'm up one level
> higher (in the context of a Category) they aren't attached.
> Any thoughts on this? Thanks!

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