I think this piece of the guide will help: 

Try adding: $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller'; to your app_controller's 

Jeremy Burns

On 8 Jun 2010, at 07:50, Narendra Padala wrote:

> its not at all showing the index page, its back to the login page only
> in the debugger no wuery also executed
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Jeremy Burns <jeremybu...@me.com> wrote:
> What errors are you getting?
> Jeremy Burns
> jeremybu...@me.com
> On 8 Jun 2010, at 07:28, Narendra Padala wrote:
>> Hi am new to cakephp, i am using postgress sql database this is an existing 
>> database here i am not having permissions to change any thing in database. 
>> but i have to wrote user authentication using app_controller.php
>> so tried to wrote code like this but it was not working properly please any 
>> one can help me out to solve this problem.
>> ---------------------
>> Database table: 
>> ---------------------
>> table name: tbluser
>> ---------------------
>>      Column     |          Type          |                              
>> Modifiers                              
>> ----------------+------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  lnguser        | integer                | not null default 
>> nextval(('"tbluser_lnguser_seq"'::text)::regclass)
>>  strfname       | character varying(100) | not null
>>  strlname       | character varying(100) | not null
>>  struid         | character varying(100) | not null
>>  strpid         | character varying(100) | not null
>>  lnguser_group  | integer                | not null
>>  strtelarea     | character varying(20)  | 
>>  strtelno       | character varying(20)  | 
>>  stremail       | character varying(100) | 
>>  struserconfirm | character varying(100) | 
>>  dtmregistered  | date                   | 
>>  dtmapproved    | date                   | 
>>  blnchatuser    | bit(1)                 | 
>> Indexes:
>>     "tbluser_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lnguser)
>> --------------------
>> Model : tbluser.php
>> --------------------
>> <?php  
>> class Tbluser extends AppModel { 
>>     var $useTable = 'tbluser'; 
>> } 
>> ?>
>> -------------------------------------
>> Controller : tblusers_controller.php
>> -------------------------------------
>> <?php
>> class TblusersController extends AppController {
>>     var $name = "Tblusers";
>>     var $uses = array('Tbluser');
>>     var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');
>>     function login() {
>>     }
>>     function index() {
>>     }
>>     function logout() {
>>         $this->Session->setFlash('Successfully logout');
>>         $this->redirect($this->Auth->logout());
>>     }
>> }
>> ?>
>> -----------------------
>> Login page : login.ctp
>> -----------------------
>>     <?php
>>         if ($session->check('Message.auth')) {
>>                $session->flash('auth');
>>         }
>>         if ($form->isFieldError('User.username')) {
>>             e($form->error ('User.username', null));
>>         }
>>     ?>
>>     <!-- login form start -->
>>     <table width="80%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
>>         <?php e($form->create('Tbluser',array('action' => 'login'))); ?>    
>>         <tr>
>>             <td width="10%"> &nbsp;</td>
>>             <td width="20%"> Username&nbsp;</td>
>>             <td width="20%"> <?php e($form->text('struid')); ?> </td>
>>             <td width="30%"> &nbsp;</td>
>>         </tr>
>>         <tr>
>>             <td width="10%"> &nbsp;</td>
>>             <td width="20%"> Password&nbsp;</td>
>>             <td width="20%"> <?php e($form->password('strpid')); ?> </td>
>>             <td width="30%"> &nbsp;</td>
>>         </tr>
>>         <tr>
>>             <td width="10%"> &nbsp;</td>
>>             <td width="20%"> &nbsp;</td>
>>             <td width="20%"><?php e($form->submit('Login')); ?></td>
>>             <td width="30%"> &nbsp;</td>
>>         </tr>
>>         <?php e($form->end()); ?>
>>     </table>
>>     <!-- login form end -->
>> -----------------------
>> index page : login.ctp
>> -----------------------
>> <?php
>>     echo "Welcome cakephp world ...!";
>> ?>
>> ------------------------------------
>> App Controller : app_controller.php
>> ------------------------------------
>> <?php
>> class AppController extends Controller {
>> {
>>     var $components = array('Auth', 'RequestHandler');
>>     var $uses = array ('Tbluser') ; 
>>     var $helpers = array('Javascript','Html','Form','Ajax');
>>     function beforeFilter(){
>>         $this->Auth->allow('adduser');
>>         $struid = $this->Auth->user('struid');
>>         $id = $this->Auth->user('lnguser');
>>         $this -> Session -> write('struid', $struid);
>>         $this -> Session -> write('id', $id);
>>         $this->set('struid', $this->Auth->user('struid'));
>>         $this->set('userId', $this->Auth->user('lnguser'));
>>         $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'tblusers', 
>> 'action' => 'index');
>>     }    
>>     function isAuthorized() {
>>          return true;
>>      }
>> }
>> ?>
>> --------------------------------
>> please any one can help me out...here i attached the copy code as text file.
>> Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://cakeqs.org and help others 
>> with their CakePHP related questions.
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>> <user_auth.php>
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