Hi thanks for your advice.

I included


into my controller::index();

I place <?php echo $xml->header() ?> into the index.ctp.

But it is still not rendered as xml. I am using firefox and chrome.

any more idea why? or does anybody has a sample cakephp project with

On Jun 18, 1:31 am, John Andersen <j.andersen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I understand the XML helper correctly, then the result from the
> serialize method is an XML structure. But this structure is without
> the XML tag, so the browser will not see it as XML to be rendered.
> Somewhere there should be an XML layout that are used with outputing
> XML. In the layout should be the XML tag, I assume! :)
> Enjoy,
>    John
> On Jun 17, 4:33 pm, ytbryan <ytbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I tried to follow this tutorial to do REST web services.
> > Below are my code.
> >         Router::mapResources('recipes');
> >         Router::parseExtensions('xml'); // it doesn't make a difference
> > whether i include 'xml' or not
> > <?php
> > class Recipe extends AppModel {
> >         var $name = 'Recipe';}
> > ?>
> > VIEW //views/recipes/xml/index.ctp
> > <recipes>
> >         <?php echo $xml->serialize($recipes); ?>
> > </recipes>
> > <?php
> > class RecipesController extends AppController {
> >         var $name = 'Recipes';
> >     var $components = array('RequestHandler');
> >         var $helpers =array('Xml');
> >         function index() {
> >                 $recipes = $this->Recipe->find('all');
> >                 $this->set(compact('recipes'));
> >                 // $this->Recipe->recursive = 0;
> >                 // $this->set('recipes', $this->paginate());
> >         }
> > }
> > ?>
> > However, the xml is not rendered. But when i view source, it is there.
> > Is there a problem?
> > I test it on firefox, chrome and safari on macosx 10.6

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