Hm, no takers?

Ok, I now included *all* controllers with the other user-groups, and
that works all right. But that can't be it, really, can it?

What's the rule re what to allow here? - If I do a simple find (eg.
$this->User->Country->find('list');), do I have to include the country
controller in the "allow" rules?

I'm pro'ly just missing a tiny, tiny something, so if someone could
shed some light on that, I'd be overjoyed! :)



On 22 Jun., 16:42, nils <> wrote:
> I'm having my acl etc all properly installed all right, but as soon as
> I try to log into my site using anything apart from the holy admin
> account ("$this->Acl->allow($group, 'controllers');") it doesn't work.
> My idea is, that this could be because my Users Model is associated
> with heaps of other Tables/Models.
> Could it be that I need to "allow" every associated model/controller
> to make it work?
> Please supply some clue, if you can spare any.. ;)

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