Anything is possible.  However, you'll run into major problem early.
The point in which you tell cake where the core files are is before
the router even touches the url/uri (webroot/index.php).   As such,
you're on your own for figuring out what controller/action pair is
being requested and then switch the CORE to you want to use.   Another
issue you'll find is if your SALT, and configuration is different
between cores, Sessions, Cookies, and the like will not be able to
switch from one core to another.   Yet another issue is routing,
routes have been reworked and simplified in 1.3.  A greedy route that
may work in 1.2 will not in 1.3.  Custom prefixes that work in 1.3
won't work in 1.2, etc...   There are also major concerns on how the
session component and session helper do not autoload or autoecho
anymore in 1.3 -- as such you'll have to take that into
consideration.   Caching is another issue that will show its ugly head
down the line.

That said, I advise against it.  You're putting a lot more extra work
into something that if you applied that work into making your app 1.3
compliant you'll be better overall.   The deprecation functions is
nothing a single regex find/replace can't handle, and the benefits of
the new plugin structure in 1.3 is outstanding, not to mention the new
routes, and awesome JsHelper!

At the very least, if you can't upgrade to 1.3 (which is relatively
painless if you follow the migration guide), you can find some extra
performance by just updated your 1.2:Beta core to the latest 1.2
release: 1.2.7.

Hope that helps,
On Jul 1, 9:21 am, WebRia <> wrote:
> Yeah I know this might sound weird, but the problem is,
> We built a really large site using Cake 1.2 Beta, and its grown
> significantly over the period of time and and started to slow down.
> We've noticed the latest cake 1.3 gives a much better performance,
> however we can't just upgrade the version of cake because many of the
> functions / syntax are deprecated and many pages break.
> I was wondering if it was ever possible that we have the new version
> of cake running in a folder called "cake-new' or something and
> selectively recode a few pages to run using cake 1.3 while the rest of
> the site continues to use cake 1.2..
> Thanks in Advance.

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