hi everyone,

i need help. again. since this forum always has answers i thought i
give it a shot :)

on my future website the users have the opportunity to edit their
profile. to do that their profile info gets retrieved from the
database to input fields in a form. after editing their information
they can save it.

retrieving user info and showing them in input fields: view

<?php foreach ($users as $user):
endforeach; ?>

<div class="row">
       <span class="profiledata"><?php   echo $form->input('created',
array('value' =>     $user['created']));   ?></span>

        <?php echo $form->create('User', array('action' =>
        <div class="button"> <?php echo $form->button('Sichern', array('type'
=> 'submit'));?>


as you can see i set under "action" a function "__updateProfile" a
function that i declared in my controller, that actually updates the
profile information in the database:

     function __updateProfile()

                        if ( $this->User->save($this->data) ){
                                $this->Session->setFlash('Profil aktualisiert');

also i created a function editprofile in my controller that gets the

    function editprofile()
        $this->set('users', $this->User->findByUsername($this->Session-

now if i hit the save button i get the error:
UsersController::__updateProfile() cannot be accessed directly

whats wrong here?

thx soooo much. looking forward to your answers

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