Hi all,

I am using David Persson's Media behavior (along with the Transfer
behavior) http://wiki.github.com/davidpersson/media/media-behavior so
a user can upload photos to my site and they will then be saved out in
different sizes. While this is working I am having an issue getting
them to save into the right folders.

In my model I have the following
var $actsAs = array('Searchable', 'Containable',
                            'Media.Transfer' => array(
                                'trustClient'     => false,
                                'destinationFile' =>
                                'baseDirectory'   => MEDIA_TRANSFER,
                                'createDirectory' => true,
                                'Media.Media'=> array(
                                        'metadataLevel' => 0,
                                        'baseDirectory' => MEDIA,
                                        'makeVersions' => true,
                                        'filterDirectory' => MEDIA_FILTER,
                                        'createDirectory' => true,


And in the plugin config core.php file I have the following

if (!defined('MEDIA')) {
                define('MEDIA', WWW_ROOT . 'media' . DS);
if (!defined('MEDIA_URL')) {
if (!defined('MEDIA_FILTER')) {
                define('MEDIA_FILTER', '/home/www/mytestserver.com/app/webroot/
media/' );

What happens when I upload a photo is the original is stored in
http://mytestserver.com/app/webroot/media/ and the versions are stored

My goal is to have the versions live one directory below 'media' so
the path would be http://mytestserver.com/app/webroot/media/m/ (for
medium) http://mytestserver.com/app/webroot/media/xl/ (for extra
large). I have tried to test different MEDIA_FILTER options (' ', '/'
'/filter/') but nothing seems to work properly.  Has anyone used this
plugin successfully?  Does anyone have a suggestion as to where I may
be going wrong.

Thanks a bunch.

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