And try "registration" in the url, not "registeration"


Am 12.07.2010 10:30, schrieb nini:

and please read manual.

On Jul 12, 1:20 am, Dinu464<>  wrote:
1) XAMPP 1.7.3 setup and workinghttp://localhost/xampp/->  success
2) Unpacked cake1.3.2, installed under XAMPP ->  htdocs ->  cake1.3.2
Checked setuphttp://localhost/cake1.3.2/->  success

Your tmp directory is writable.
The FileEngine is being used for caching. To change the config edit
Your database configuration file is present.
Cake is able to connect to the database.

3) Trying to Implement IBM tutorial Part1

Created MySQL tabel 'Users'
under cake1.3.2\app\models, created user.php
under cake1.3.2\app\controllers, created users_controller.php, with
action registration
under cake1.3.2\app\view\users, created registration.ctp

4) nowhttp://localhost/cake1.3.2/app/views/users/registeration

throws an err

Error: ViewsController could not be found.
Error: Create the class ViewsController below in file: app\controllers
class ViewsController extends AppController {

     var $name = 'Views';}


This is where I am stuck for a week now, can’t get passed this screen,
tried several solutions but still cant get this to work..really
frustrated. please help!
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