On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 6:40 PM, breakintheweb <jguagli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been working on a subquery for several hours and can't figure it
> out in cakephp. I've tried mimicking the example in the book under
> complex find conditions and couldn't seem to make that work.
> Here is the query that when run manually in mysql works. The inner
> query is used to take out the duplicates for the count. Any help would
> be appreciated. Thanks in advanced
> SELECT COUNT(*) , zipcode, county, city
> FROM (
> SELECT zipcode, county, city
> FROM table
> WHERE zipcode IN ('34134', '34135', '33928', '34134', '34135')
> GROUP BY address, city, state
> ) AS table
> GROUP BY zipcode

The "complex find conditions" page is, unfortunately, missing a bunch
of stuff. Among them, finderquery. Actually, I can't seem to find
/any/ documentation on it right now. Try googling "cakephp
finderquery". Essentially, it allows you to write a custom query that
Cake will use.

But, in this case, I don't see why you need a subquery. It looks you
could simply pass the list of zipcodes as a condition.

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