Cricket's way isn't the best way to do it in cake.

What you should do is make use is the afterSave callback in the user

function afterSave($created) {
      if($created ==true) {
           $data = array('Account' => arrray('user_id' => $this->id));

On Jul 13, 1:57 am, cricket <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Omid <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I am new to cake php and as a practice I am working on one simple
> > project.
> > I have tree model user, account and contact as below. (There is only
> > one form for user registration and no form for add action to account).
> > user model :
> >        var $name = 'User';
> >        var $useTable = 'users';
> >        var $hasOne = array('accounts');
> >        var $hasMany = array('contacts');
> > I am saving users email as the username in this model,(I am using Auth
> > component)
> > and account:
> >        var $name = 'Account';
> >        var $belongsTo = array(
> >                'User' => array(
> >                    'className'    => 'User',
> >                    'foreignKey'    => 'user_id'
> >                )
> >            );
> > I need to create a record in account when a user is registering
> > (register action of controller) (or when user is verifying their email
> > address - verify action of controller) the information in this model
> > should calculated. (no form involved). there is one field in account
> > called user credit. which I need to update it whenever user add a
> > contact(again b).
> From within UsersController:
> $data = array(
>     'Account' => array(
>         'user_id' => $this->User->id,
>         ...
>     )
> );
> $this->User->Account->save($data);
> Of course, $this->User->id will need to be set. Or use $id, or whatever.

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