Lets call your table that you need to create conversions, with a
Conversion model

To relate the a model to the same model twice use the following(for
your Conversion model)
$belongsTo = array(
'Unit1' => array("className" => "Unit", "foreignKey" => "unit1_id"),
'Unit2' => array("className" => "Unit", "foreignKey" => "unit2_id"),

and in your Unit model
$hasMany = array(

And the conditions to find the right conversion row could look like
this(assuming $unit1 and $unit2 holds the ids of the units to convert

'conditions' => array('OR' => array(
                                    'AND' =>
array('Conversion.unit1_id' => $unit1, 'Conversion.unit2_id' =>
                                    'AND' =>
array('Conversion.unit1_id' => $unit2, 'Conversion.unit2_id' =>

On Jul 12, 10:36 am, Tomek Mazur <tmazu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I could use some help with the complicated relation I am trying to
> create. I have 2 tables: ingredients and units. One ingredient can
> have many units(HABTM relation). This creates a `ingredients_units`
> table with the fields:
> -ingredient_id
> -unit_id
> -ammount
> But the problem is, that if an ingredient has many units I have to
> somehow be able to convert between each unit. The complication is that
> the calculations from one unit to another depend on the ingredient. So
> the table I am wanting to create has to have the following fields:
> -ingredient_id
> -unit1_id
> -unit2_id
> -conversion_number
> Is there a way I can create such a relation with Cake? Or do I have to
> stick to my own SQL? I'll be thankful for any response. ;)

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