On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:42 AM, alopes <adrianolopesfrei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> How i can route my URLs without showing the ID in the URL. For example
> i have:
> www.mywebsite.com/id-article-title.html and i want only
> www.mywebsite.com/article-title.html

Add a column to your table to hold the "slug", which will be the title
string after it's been set to lowercase and all spaces converted to
hyphens (or underscores). Then add SluggableBehavior to your model.
See here:


Set up a route:

                'controller' => 'articles',
                'action' => 'view'
                'slug' => '[-a-z0-9]+',
                'pass' => array('slug')

Note that the URL begins with '/articles/'. It can be whatever string
you want but if you leave it out (so that the URL begins with the
slug), you'll have to create a route for every other controller action
in your app or every request will be sent to ArticlesController.

public function view($slug = null)
        if (empty($slug))
                // redirect ...
        $data = $this->Article->find(
                        'conditions' => array('Article.slug' => $slug)

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