
<?php echo $this->Helpername->out();?>

On 21 Jul., 11:35, kadanis <> wrote:
> Don't know if its me or cake, but I can't get a helper from the plugin
> to load in the main app.
> plugin helper is in /plugins/pluginname/views/helpers/helpername.php
> class HelpernameHelper extends PluginnameAppHelper {
>    function out(){
>        return $this->output('testing out method from plugin');
>    }
> }
> in app app_controller
> var $helpers = array('Pluginname.Helpername');
> in app default layout
> <? echo $helpername->out();?>
> error I'm getting is
> Undefined variable $helpername in default.ctp
> Fatal Error: call to function out() on a non-object.
> Anyone see what I'm doing wrong???

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