I'm developing applications with user's and content's groups based on
ACL trees.
In my app I have 2 models without any tables. Models are used because
I want to use automatic validation. First model is for
ContactsController. There is no table used, so I set Contact::
$useTable to false and everything is working just fine.
Second model is used to validate the GroupsController edit form. After
validation ACL's Aco Tree or both Aro and Aco Trees are updated (users
are in both trees, contents in aco only) using separate Aco and Aro
objects. I set useTable to false here too, but when using $this->Group-
>validates() Cake yells "Table ncube.groups doesn't exist (...)
Query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `groups` AS `Group`   WHERE
`Group`.`id` = '7'   ". I don't know if it's important but my table
prefix is also ignored here. There was no warning when Group::
$validate was an empty array.
As a work around I put '@' before $this->Group->validates() .
The controller itself is working just fine. Data are validated and
saved properly. I don't know where to look for bugs.

P.S. Sorry for my english.

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