Yeah had a look at apache error logs - nothing there at all. No

I have found the problem line (I have NO idea how this can be broken)

    $data = $this->paginate('Property');

If I do this:

    $data = $this->paginate('Property');

Then it just prints out the paginate array without any layout.

    // pr($this->paginate);
    $data = $this->paginate('Property');

If I comment out that pr() line then I get the full 500 error with

I'm running php-5.2.13 and mysql-5.1. Site runs fine on my dev server
at home with php-5.1.13 and mysql-5.0

Site has exact same configuration as home server, site runs in the
root folder on its own domain. I tried uploading the cake/ folder
again but no avail. I've even re-uploaded the entire site from dev-
>live again. Still nothing.

Pulling my hair out!

On Jul 29, 4:33 pm, "Dr. Loboto" <> wrote:
> Something on this URL issues error 500, Apache tries to show
> appropriate error page, but there is no 500.shtml in your webroot, so
> Cake catch this request and looks for "500.shtml" controller.
> Check Apache error log.
> On Jul 29, 7:01 pm, meekamoo <> wrote:
> > Forgot to mention that I have looked in:
> > app_controller.php
> > app_model.php
> > core.php
> > bootstrap.php
> > routes.php
> > And I cant't find anything there that would cause this?
> > On Jul 29, 1:58 pm, meekamoo <> wrote:
> > > Hey guys,
> > > Have a weird problem here - site works fine on local server but as
> > > soon as I upload it to the live site I have this very strange problem.
> > > I have a properties controller (guessed it, a property site). When I
> > > view /properties/index on local site it correctly displays all the
> > > properties.
> > > On the live site I get a Ooops 500 Controller not found, Please
> > > create /controllers/500.shtml_controller.php
> > > I have no idea why it is doing this!
> > > Can anyone point me int he right direction as to where I should be
> > > looking to source this error? The rest of the site works 100%.
> > > I have no routes that would conflict with this (only the / => homepage
> > > (not properties controller), /pages => content and /admin routes are
> > > set)
> > > Not sure why it's doing this?!

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