On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:03 AM, DragonFlyEye <dragonflyey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, the problem appears to be that somewhere in the bowels of
> CakePHP's Models, it doesn't seem to like certain characters and just
> replaces them with "?"
> I've discovered this because I'm attempting to run batches through the
> Console. So, I'm only using a Shell script and the Model in question
> and I'm definitely getting "?" where I should be getting ™. I've
> verified that my database.php file is using 'encoding'  => 'iso-8859-1'
> and that my core.php shows Configure::write('App.encoding',
> 'iso-8859-1'); but neither of these two things is solving the problem.
> Cricket: I've finally convinced people here to get rid of the blasted
> weird characters and replace with HTML entities, but now the battle is
> actually getting that done! Trying to use SQL Server's Import and
> Export utility is at least as unsuccessful so far as doing it the
> CakePHP way and for a variety of reasons, I'd prefer to go CakePHP.

Sorry, can't help if it's a Windows environment. But my inclination
would be to convert everything to UTF-8 using iconv.

And I haven't used SQL-Server in over ten years, so I can't suggest
anything on that end.

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