*Solved it!*

I can't seem to debug($this->data), so I debug($this->params);

And found the solution.


Instead of


Which is not working.

Louie Miranda
 - Email: lmira...@gmail.com
 - Web: http://www.louiemiranda.com

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Louie Miranda <lmira...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried the ajax autocomplete manual.
> http://book.cakephp.org/it/view/1370/autoComplete
>    1. I can't seem to query $this->data['q'];
>    2. Therefore, the auto complete list shows, everything. And not the
>    specific keyword or "q" value.
> How will I query $this->data['q'];? I think, I followed everything. What
> seems to be wrong?
> The codes:
> *Added my controller*
> function autocompletetitle() {
>>     $this->set('results', $this->Publication->find('all', array(
>>             'conditions' => array(
>>                 'Publication.itemName LIKE' => $this->data['q'].'%'
>>                 ),
>>             'fields' => array('itemName')
>>                 )));
>>     $this->layout = 'ajax';
>> }
> *And my form*
> <?php echo $form->create('Publication', array('action' => 'sresults',
>> 'type' => 'get'));?>
>> <?php echo $ajax->autoComplete('q', '/publications/autocompletetitle'); ?>
>> <?php echo $form->end('Search'); ?>
> The autocompletetitle view is set and working, I can see it when accessing
> /autocompletetitle and if I search.
> --
> Louie Miranda
>  - Email: lmira...@gmail.com
>  - Web: http://www.louiemiranda.com

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