Just get the role and apply it?

if( $this->Auth->user('User.role') > 1 )  {   // is admin
   $this->Auth->allow( array('secretController' =>
'superSecureAction' ) );

On Aug 6, 1:12 pm, "Mariano C." <mariano.calan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have users table, with field id, username, password and role.
> role is a numeric value: 0 banned users, 1 registered users, 2 admins.
> I've coded AppController like:
> class AppController extends Controller {
>         var $components = array('Auth');
>         function beforeFilter()
>         {
>                 $this->Auth->allow(array('users' => 'register'));
>         }
> }
> So every user can reach registration page.
> Now I would that for user with different role will be allowed
> different action. How can I handle this just inside the AppController?

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