thx to both of you. i know i always do things complicated...

so if i do what you suggested, cricket:

public function getNewNumber()
                $new_number = rand(10,100000);
        while ($this->_testNewNumber($new_number));

        return $new_number;


i'm having an endless loop :(

how would my function look like, that is checking for existence? cant
believe i am having so much trouble with this....

On 12 Aug., 03:35, cricket <> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:45 PM, McBuck DGAF <> wrote:
> > This whole process strikes me as very inefficient.  There is no
> > mechanism to prevent your do-while loop from checking the same value
> > an infinite number of times (unless you log each random value and
> > check the next random value against the log AND the db).
> > I don't know what the purpose of the random value is in your app, but
> > I would suggest an entirely different approach.  If you need random
> > values in the range of "min" through "max," you could generate a table
> > ahead of time consisting of the fields id and random_number, with max-
> > min+1 rows.  (There are many random number generator sites available,
> > and you might be able to access one of their APIs as needed.)
> > It seems to me that it would be easier to generate these unique values
> > in some random order ahead of time, and then just associate the
> > random_numbers table with your current table through a 1-1
> > relationship.  This process would make it easy to identify the next
> > random number to be assigned, and when the random numbers have been
> > exhausted.
> > Just a thought.
> What McBuck said. I've given you a solution but you're implementing it
> in a very strange way. FWIW, this:
> while ($eyed = $this->Linkable->validateEyed($lkbl_eyed) ==
> "taken");
> is always going to return true. Why are you assigning a value to
> $eyed, which is never used, in any case? That assignment is what is
> screwing things up.

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