What do the tables for these models look like? Also, can you post the
association arrays?

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:06 PM, dmc <daniel.mitsc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm letting Cake (Version 1.3.3) do some automatic imports over night
> and it's doing the same thing for about half a million times.
> It's working pretty well but every night I get some (about 10) really
> weird SQL-errors.
> I just don't understand how these even can occur.
> It seems that cake is mixing up conditions from different queries
> sometimes and even misspelling model-names.
> This is the function that is doing the SQL-queries:
> function __saveArticle($product, $hashkey, $shopId)
> {
>        $this->VsArticle->create();
>        $this->VsArticle->id = false;
>        $this->data["VsArticle"] = $product;
>        $this->VsArticle->recursive = -1;
>        $existingArticle = $this->VsArticle->find('all', array("limit" => 1,
> "fields" => array("VsArticle.id","VsArticle.toparticle"), 'conditions'
> => array(
>                'VsArticle.artnr' => $this->data["VsArticle"]["artnr"],
>                'VsArticle.vs_shop_id' => $shopId)));
>        if(!empty($existingArticle))
>        {
>                $this->VsArticle->id = $existingArticle[0]["VsArticle"]["id"];
>                $this->updateCount++;
>        }
>        else
>        {
>                $this->data["VsArticle"]["status"] = "imported";
>                $this->data["VsArticle"]["vs_shop_id"] = $shopId;
>                $this->newCount++;
>        }
>        if($existingArticle !== false)
>        {
>                if($this->VsArticle->save($this->data))
>                {
>                        $lastArticleId = $this->VsArticle->id;
> $this->VsArticleHasVsCategory->deleteAll("vs_article_id =
> $lastArticleId", false);
>                        foreach($this->data["VsArticle"]["categoriesIds"] as 
> $categoryId)
>                        {
>                                $this->VsArticleHasVsCategory->create();
> $this->data["VsArticleHasVsCategory"]["vs_article_id"] =
> $lastArticleId;
> $this->data["VsArticleHasVsCategory"]["vs_category_id"] =
> $categoryId;
> $this->data["VsArticleHasVsCategory"]["vs_shop_id"] = $shopId;
>                                $this->data["VsArticleHasVsCategory"]["hash"] 
> = $hashkey;
> $this->VsArticleHasVsCategory->save($this->data);
>                        }
>                }
>        }
> }
> And here are some of the errors (with the corresponding SQL-Query):
> [14-Aug-2010 01:58:35] PHP Warning: SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
> 'vs_articles.id' in 'where clause' in /var/cakephp/cake/libs/model/
> datasources/dbo_source.php on line 682
> [14-Aug-2010 01:58:35] SQL ERROR: SELECT `VsArticle`.`id`,
> `VsArticle`.`toparticle` FROM `vs_articles` AS `VsArticle` WHERE
> `vs_articles`.`id` = 12040 ORDER BY `VsArticle`.`title` ASC LIMIT 1
> [14-Aug-2010 04:48:20] PHP Warning: SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
> 'VsArticle.artnr' in 'where clause' in /var/cakephp/cake/libs/model/
> datasources/dbo_source.php on line 682
> [14-Aug-2010 04:48:20] SQL ERROR: DELETE FROM `vs_articles` WHERE
> `VsArticle`.`artnr` = '441124' AND `VsArticle`.`vs_shop_id` = 120
> [15-Aug-2010 04:15:27] PHP Warning: SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
> 'VsArticle.artnr' in 'where clause' in /var/cakephp/cake/libs/model/
> datasources/dbo_source.php on line 682
> [15-Aug-2010 04:15:27] SQL ERROR: DELETE `VsArticleHasVsCategory` FROM
> `vs_article_has_vs_category` AS `VsArticleHasVsCategory` WHERE
> `VsArticle`.`artnr` = '51715236-2-6-3-38-242' AND
> `VsArticle`.`vs_shop_id` = 141
> I know, it's not easy to understand, but please have a look at the
> last error I posted.
> As you can easily see, it's mixing up to queries:
>       existingArticle = $this->VsArticle->find('all', array("limit"
> => 1, "fields" => array("VsArticle.id","VsArticle.toparticle"),
> 'conditions' => array(
>                'VsArticle.artnr' => $this->data["VsArticle"]["artnr"],
>                'VsArticle.vs_shop_id' => $shopId)));
>       $this->VsArticleHasVsCategory->deleteAll("vs_article_id =
> $lastArticleId", false);
> So somewhere in the cake-core the SQL-querybuilding get's pretty much
> mixed up.
> I just don't know what could trigger this and where exactly it
> happens.
> Not easy to debug, as this import is running for about six hours.
> Does anybody have ANY idea what could cause this odd behavior?
> best,
> d.
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