do you have 2 seperate apps? why not just use admin prefix routing?

On Aug 24, 6:36 am, Steve <> wrote:
> Hi all.  I am new to CakePHP and I am building a CMS with the
> following folder structure:
> /public_html/cake/
> /public_html/admin/
> /public_html/frontend/
> index.php
> I have setup the bootstrap.php file in the frontend to look for models
> in the admin app.  So models for user, content and comment are shared.
> In my frontend, i have setup a HomeController which I want to use to
> display results from the 'Contents' table:
> {{{
> class HomeController extends AppController {
>         var $name = 'Home';
>         var $uses = array(); // No Home model required
>         function index(){
>           $this->loadModel('Content'); // Best practise according to cookbook
>           $blogPosts = $this->Content->find('all');
>           $this->set('blogPosts', $blogPosts);
>         }
> }
> }}}
> When I debug $blogPosts in my view, it gives me everything in the
> 'Contents' table, no problem.  **But nothing from any related tables**
> - I want to display the author of the post as well, which is contained
> in the 'users' table.
> When I debug the output from find('all') in the admin app, relational
> data from the 'users' table is displayed properly.  **Why won't this
> work on my frontend?**  I have tried copying the models to the
> frontend app with no success.  I have tinkered with recursive values,
> tried loading the users model, using joy.
> The relationships in my models seem to be correct, as the data
> displays properly in the admin app.  And the frontend is clearly able
> to access my models as it does display **some** data from them...
> Is there anything anyone can see I'm doing wrong?  Or could there be
> some setting somewhere else in the application that is causing this?
> Please help!

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