Thanks for the response.  I still cannot get the entire directory to
respond as a controller without 2 router::connect() calls.  I removed
the 'action'=>'index' as suggested.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?  I removed every route from my
routes.php and tried the following:

Router::connect('/blog*', array('controller'=>'news_articles'));
= missing 'BlogController' error; doesn't work for any request
starting with /blog/

Router::connect('/blog/*', array('controller'=>'news_articles'));
= /blog/ -> shows index (working)
= /blog/view/1/ -> shows index; should show view()

= /blog/ -> missing 'BlogController' error
= /blog/view/1/ -> working

On Aug 25, 1:46 pm, DragonFlyEye <> wrote:
> That all looks correct, and it would be the same in 1.2. You might
> write the following, though:
> Router::connect('/blog*', array('controller' => 'news_articles'));
> That would push all requests for the /blog directory to the right
> controller, then you can create the actions you want and they'll get
> filled in automatically since you didn't specify a pseudo-route for
> each one (which might get complicated).
> Cricket's right, though: by putting the pseudo route :action in there
> and then assigning the action 'index,' you're basically pushing every
> single request with a second (but no third) subdirectory in the URL to
> the same action. Seems like it's a bit inefficient?
> On Aug 25, 9:05 am, SacoDesign <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm upgrading my app from 1.2 to 1.3.  I have several custom routes
> > setup like so:
> >Router::connect('/blog/:action/*',
> > array('controller'=>'news_articles', 'action'=>'index'));
> > This works fine, except for when the url is only /blog/.  In that case
> > I get a "cannot find blog controller" error.  Is this by design, or a
> > bug?
> > I can get it working by adding another route for:
> >Router::connect('/blog', array('controller'=>'news_articles',
> > 'action'=>'index'));
> > but that seems wrong.
> > Thanks,
> > -Kevin Wentworth

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