Have you try making joins intead of subselects? the subselects are not
recommended because they usually are very slow. Joins are really

Try with something like this;

$options = array(
    'Encounter.encounterStartTimeStamp >= 2010-08-26'
      'table' => 'entryReasons',
      'alias' => 'entryReason',
        'Encounter.entryReason_id=entryReason.id AND
`entryReason`.`ReasonName` LIKE "SUB%"'


Cheers!, Eugenio Fage

On 27 ago, 21:59, milimber <milim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to translate this query into a find() statement
> select id, `encounterStartTimeStamp`, `entryReason_id` from
> `encounters` where encounterStartTimeStamp >= '2010-08-26' and
> `encounters`.`entryReason_id` in (SELECT `entryReasons`.`ID` FROM
> `entryReasons` WHERE `ReasonName` LIKE "SUB%")
> I have looked over the docs for the find function and i see the
> example of using an array to run the SELECT IN: array(    "Post.title"
> => array("First post", "Second post", "Third post")) But since my
> SELECT IN is a query its self im not sure on how to proceed.  I have
> tried:
> $conditions = array('Encounter.encounterStartTimeStamp >=' =>
> '2010-08-26',
>                                 'Encounter.entryReason_id' => 'SELECT
> `entryReasons`.`ID` FROM `entryReasons` WHERE `ReasonName` LIKE "SUB
> %"');
> Im kinda lost here.. any help would be appreciated
> thanks

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