$this->Email->to = $username .'<' . $email .'>';

works with outlook smtp etc
but the email component aborts with any non a-z chars...
maybe a bug?

On 1 Sep., 00:05, euromark <> wrote:
> i just stumpled on that after checking the error logs
> seems it only happens occasionally
> if a username contains some char like < @ [ etc
> the email will not be send to $username <$email>
> it aborts without any error at all
> is this from smtp protocol?
> or does the component do that?
> what chars are expicitly not allowed in the name part?
> i though about using Inflector::slug() on the username prior to
> passing in to the email component
> but that would change all äöüé etc (which are valid) as well
> any ideas?

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