The part with or should be:
'OR' => array(
   'AlbumsUser2.user_id' => null,
   'AlbumsUser2.user_id' => 1

On 1 Wrz, 11:36, "Mariano C." <> wrote:
> I have to write a simple query something like:
> SELECT ... FROM ...
> ON (`AlbumsUser`.`album_id` = 'AlbumsUser2.album_id' AND
> ((`AlbumsUser2`.`user_id` IS NULL)  OR  (`AlbumsUser2`.`user_id` =
> 1)))
> ...
> this is conditions array I've write:
> 'conditions' => array
>                       (
>                              array('AlbumsUser.album_id' =>
> 'AlbumsUser2.album_id'),
>                              array(
>                                         'AlbumsUser2.user_id' => null,
>                                         'OR' => array('AlbumsUser2.user_id' 
> => 1)
>                                      ),
>                       ),
> and this is the sql that I get:
> ON (`AlbumsUser`.`album_id` = 'AlbumsUser2.album_id' AND
> ((`AlbumsUser2`.`user_id` IS NULL)  AND  (`AlbumsUser2`.`user_id` =
> 1)))
> How can I get the proper OR? Where I wrong?

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