On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Synue Cunioci <srcuni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> This e-mail might look a little longer but I'm just trying to explain
> my doubt clearly... Hope I can get to the end of it...
> I've been using CakePHP for one week and since then I've been working
> hard to get how things work. Definitely cake makes it easier as you
> comprehend it's conventions, components, helpers, methods, etc.
> The issue I'm sturggling at the moment has something to do with
> Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));. In my app I
> have a restricted area and since we start learning cake from the
> database and models I've decided to start developing from that so the
> data could be inserted in the db as the development flows.
> My source of knowledge is cake cookbook, wich is very helpful, but
> there's a lot of questions that it is unable to answer.
> I figured out (and there's a good chance I might be wrong - hope you
> guys are going to correct me if that happens)
> that when we enable Configure::write('Routing.prefixes',
> array('admin')) and use a
> redirect(array('controller'=>'administrators','action'=>'admin_index','admin'=>true))
> cake makes the URLs more friendly for a restricted area and it gives
> no access for the methods from outside by putting a admin/ prefix.

Use array('controller'=>'administrators','action'=>'index','admin'=>true).
Don't put "admin_" in the action name. That's what the Routing prefix
is for.

> In this case I'm must use a admin_ prefix in the methods so it could
> work. Since cake don't give access to the methods from URL I thought
> should have a index() method that checks the administrators login and
> redirects the page.
> Up to now I think everything is okay. The issue that I'm facing is
> when trying to pass a params tho another method I have an error
> because the other method get the params as a empty array.
> Here we go:
> I have a link on the page like this: administrators/edit/1
> The functions with access is as follow and gets the params as 1. It is
> responsible for checking the login and redirect to the accessible
> method. The cookbook says that I can pass the action as an array with
> the params.
> function edit($id) {
>        // if user is logged in
>        if( $this->Session->check('Administrator') ) {
>                // redirect to restricted area
> $this->redirect(array('controller'=>'administrators',array('action'
> => 'admin_edit', $id),'admin'=>true));
>        }
>        // or redirect to login page
>        else $this-
> }
> The method bellow is the one that gets the empty array.
> function admin_edit($id) {
>        // retrive data from the db
>        $result = $this->Administrator->retrieve_administrator_data($id);
>        // if it finds the user sets the data for the view
>        if ($result !== FALSE) {
>                $this->set('administrador_data', $result);
>        }
> }

What do you mean by it "gets" the empty array. You're only passing $id
to the method. Or do you mean that $result is empty? If that's the
case, there's not much to say without seeing what that method looks

> Can somebody help me out? I'm really not sure if this is the best
> aproach for dealing with Configure::write('Routing.prefixes',
> array('admin')); and I can't find wy the method is getting an empty
> array.
> Hope I'm not bothering with such an stupid question.
> Thanks!
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