I have to say something additional:
It is right that it doesn't work in Chromium at all, but i have a
strange problem in Firefox and Opera too:
When i start a browser it is necessary that i first of all use an ajax
autocomplete of another view (ViewB) to make it work in my current
view (ViewA). It nearly looks like i have to "activate" first the
autocomplete of ViewA with the one of ViewB and this i cannot explain
at all. Do you?
The difference between this two views is just that in ViewB i use a
$this->Form->select and in ViewA a $this->Form->input...

Thanks a lot for bringing any light in my darkness :)

On 5 Sep., 20:35, DerBjörn <b.unkh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use an autocomplete of states and cities with Ajax in a
> form. It works perfectly in Firefox and Opera, but not in Chromium.
> Which can be the reasons or how/what i have to check to get an idea of
> its malfunction?!?
> What i already checked is the fact that JavaScript is activated.
> Thanks a lot :)
> ----------- CODE ------------
> echo $this->Form->input('country_id' , array('id' => 'countries',
> 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Please select a country', 'options' =>
> array('' => '-',$countries)));
> echo $this->Form->input('state_id' , array('id' => 'states', 'type' =>
> 'select', 'label' => 'Please select a state', 'options' => array('' =>
> '-',$states)));
> echo $this->Form->input('city_id' , array('id' => 'cities', 'type' =>
> 'select', 'label' => 'Please select a city', 'options' => array('' =>
> '-',$cities)));
> echo $javascript->link('/js/scriptaculous183/lib/prototype');
> echo $javascript->link('/js/scriptaculous183/src/scriptaculous');
> ...
> echo $ajax-
> >observeField('countries',array('url'=>'update_state_select','update'=>'states'));
> echo $ajax-
> >observeField('states',array('url'=>'update_city_select','update'=>'cities'));

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