Steer clear of facebooks widgets and take the time out to learn their
new protocol. It took me about 4 hours to get the swing of it, and by
the end of the day I had properly integrated facebook into a website
(pulling data, publishing information and so forth).

On Sep 7, 5:22 pm, "Dave Maharaj" <> wrote:
> So I have the Facebook Plugin up and running using only the "Like" feature,
> but I am getting weird results.
> Basically I have 3 dummy "Posts" , all posts have the same layout, with a
> profile pic (profile pic is the person who posted the page, nothing to do
> with Facebook profile pic, each a different one) and content, and page_title
> which is the Post heading.
> Click "Like" for each, check my facebook page and sure enough all 3 likes
> are there but as I keep testing like / remove like and check the facebook
> page the way the likes appear are always different.
> They show up in different formats
> Such as
> Dave likes Post 1 on - {site as link}
>  Or
> Dave{id} <>  on
> {site  name}
>  Or
> Dave likes Dave likes Post 3 on - { site  name }  - {page meta description
> shows up}
> Or
> Dave likes Login on {site name} yet "login" when you hover over it 
> clicked will take you to the post.
> I have ('*') for allowed action so nothing requires login for Post
> controller so I have no idea where "Login" is coming from at all.
>  And sometimes it will put the profile pic of the actual Post
> Dave likes Dave likes Post 3 on - { site  name }  - {page meta description
> shows up} - {Profile Pic from the site Post}
> But as odd as that is its pulling the pic for the other post , usually the
> one saved prior so if I view post 2 then "Like" post 3 Facebook shows the
> image from Post 2 when I save Post 3..
> I have read thru the Facebook API / JSDK / but see nothing about settings
> for the "Like" feature on how to display the data.
> Anyone with experience with Facebook, or suggestions, ideas please let me
> know. Completely lost on the number of times it will appear different on
> Facebook and just cannot see why. I even like / unlike the same post over
> and over checking facebook for the result and the same post will show all of
> the above so its not just the post giving problems.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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