The only beforeFilter that I'm using is in the users_controller. I
tried moving it to the app_controller but then it was't authenticating
even with the correct password.

I wasn't quite clear with the fact that pages/home flashes briefly. I
don't see the page flash, only the URL in the address bar.

For the time being I'm removing all the auth code, but if someone can
point out how to do the following, I would really appreciate it.

I have a users table with an email field to be used as the ID and a
password field. Eventually the system would do the following: If no
user is logged in, login fields appear in the top right of the screen
for pages that are viewable without being logged in. If they are
viewing those pages while being logged in, they see links for account
settings, etc. If a user requests a page that requires them being
logged in, it redirects to the home page. That's pretty much all I
want, but can't even get the login to work. I've searched for
tutorials and found a few, but none have yet helped me out.


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