place $this->render('your ajax view'); into controller
deleteattachment() function

2. you can add your variables to url
will look like
array('controller' => 'linkables', 'action' => 'deleteattachment',

and it will be available in the controller as $this->params.

try to pr($this); to see all available data;

On Sep 9, 3:01 pm, Tomfox Wiranata <tomfox.wiran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> again, ajax is driving me nuts. shocker! :)
> I have a certain DIV that echoes data from a table. with each data row
> comes an ajax link to delete it. when a user clicks that link, a
> delete() function in my controller deletes that certain data and this
> DIV is supposed to update. I found some code for orientation, but it
> wont work.
> the View "render_attachment.ctp" echoes the data from my table and has
> the ajax link:
> <?php
>     echo $javascript->link('prototype');
>     echo $javascript->link('scriptaculous');
> ?>
>         <?php
>                 foreach ($attachments as $attachment):
>                 echo $attachment['LinkTmp']['name'];
>                 echo $ajax->link('x', array('controller' =>
> 'linkables', 'action' => 'deleteattachment'), array('update' =>
> 'attachment_div'));
>         ?>
>                 <?php endforeach; ?>
>         <div id="attachment_div"></div>
> the render_attachment.ctp View is called after a file-upload-process
> to show the user what files he uploaded:
>     function __renderattachment()
>     {
>         $this->set('attachments', $this->Link->LinkTmp->find('all',
> array('conditions' => array('LinkTmp.ed =' => $this -> Session ->
> read('Link.eyed'), 'LinkTmp.attachment' => '1'))));
>         $this->render('render_attachment','ajax');
>     }
> Now with the ajax link I try to call the "deleteattachment()" fnction
> in my controller, that acutally deletes that data from the table:
>         function deleteattachment($name)
>         {
>                 $this->Link->LinkTmp->deleteAll(array('LinkTmp.eyed' => $this 
> ->
> Session -> read('Link.eyed'), 'LinkTmp.name'  => $name));
>         }
> so, how do I
> a) tell cake to render my view "render_attachment.ctp" in the DIV that
> i defined in the link, after i called deleteattachment() ?
> b) how can i pass variables to deleteattachment() with my ajax link?
>  echo $ajax->link('x', array('controller' => 'linkables', 'action' =>
> 'deleteattachment'), array('update' => 'attachment_div'));
> thx :)

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