So rapid development sounds to me like developing without testing...
Not very promising. And it would be *much* more rapid when such basic
stuff was already taken care of, because every serious web app will
have to implement this.

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:34 PM, euromark <> wrote:
> well, it is this way for "rapid development"
> not for "most secure web application" :)
> the second part is your job then
> although i think my methods should find their way into the core
> because they certainly help to achieve that.
> On 30 Sep., 15:28, Joshua Muheim <> wrote:
>> Thanks Euromark for your good hint. I certainly should read through
>> your blogs in the near future...
>> But do you know why CakePHP handles stuff this way? Looks very, very
>> unintuitive to me. With Ruby on Rails I had much better experiences
>> about stuff like this a few years ago (everything just seemed to work
>> the way I expected it although I didn't have much experience with it
>> then), and I'm sure today they even have progressed much farer...
>> It seems a bit sad to me that CakePHP clearly doesn't seem to be able
>> to come even close to the experience of RoR. Any yes, I know CakePHP
>> isn't RoR, and yes, I could switch (well actually, I can't)... Just my
>> 2 c€nts...
>> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 2:58 PM, euromark <> wrote:
>> > actually it is NOT a bug
>> > although many are not aware of that behavior :)
>> > you need to make sure that the field is passed to the validation
>> > otherwise it will be ignored
>> > @see
>> > On 30 Sep., 14:52, psybear83 <> wrote:
>> >> Hi everybody
>> >> I have baked the following very straight-forward model:
>> >> class Post extends AppModel {
>> >>         var $name = 'Post';
>> >>         var $displayField = 'name';
>> >>         var $validate = array(
>> >>                 'name' => array(
>> >>                         'notempty' => array(
>> >>                                 'rule' => array('notempty')
>> >>                         ),
>> >>                 ),
>> >>         );
>> >> }
>> >> It only needs a value for "name" to be saved.
>> >> Now I've written the following 3 tests:
>> >>   function testShouldNotBeValidWithEmptyName() {
>> >>     $this->Post->create(array('name' => ''));
>> >>     $this->assertFalse($this->Post->validates());
>> >>   }
>> >>   function testShouldNotBeValidWithoutName() {
>> >>     $this->Post->create();
>> >>     $this->assertFalse($this->Post->validates()); // Fails!
>> >>   }
>> >>   function testShouldNotBeValidWithNullName() {
>> >>     $this->Post->create(array('name' => null));
>> >>     $this->assertFalse($this->Post->validates());
>> >>   }
>> >> I expect all three of them to work, but the 2nd one fails! So why does
>> >> it validate when there truly is no value for the "name" field? Is this
>> >> really the way it should be, or is it a bug?
>> >> I'm on version 1.3.4.
>> >> Thanks for help
>> >> Josh
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