i want create some search system:
this is some example:
i want show some user with 'Usercat.subcat_id' =>

in usercat model i have:

var $belongsTo = array(
                'User' => array(
                        'className' => 'User',
                        'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
                        'conditions' => '',
                        'fields' => '',
                        'order' => ''

in User model i have:

var $hasMany = array('Usercat');

now i have SearchController,in SearchController i have:

        var $uses = array('Usercat','User');

and in search model i have:

class Search extends AppModel {
        var $name = "Search";
        var $useTable = false;

and in index function in SearchController i have:

$res = $this->Usercat->User->find('all', array('conditions' =>
array('Usercat.subcat_id' => 2,'User.shahr_id'=>576)));

when i am test i have this error:

SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Usercat.subcat_id' in 'where
clause' [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 673]

            $out = null;
            if ($error) {
                trigger_error('<span style="color:Red;text-
align:left"><b>' . __('SQL Error:', true) . "</b> {$this->error}</
span>", E_USER_WARNING);

$sql    =       "SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`user_group_id`, `User`.`username`,
`User`.`password`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`phone`, `User`.`mobile`,
`User`.`website`, `User`.`active`, `User`.`first_name`,
`User`.`last_name`, `User`.`ostan_id`, `User`.`shahr_id`,
`User`.`views`, `User`.`sex`, `User`.`coname`, `User`.`coadress`,
`User`.`coid`, `User`.`imagecount`, `User`.`videocount`,
`User`.`exdate`, `User`.`created` FROM `users` AS `User`   WHERE
`Usercat`.`subcat_id` = 2 AND `User`.`shahr_id` = 576   "
$error  =       "1054: Unknown column 'Usercat.subcat_id' in 'where clause'"
$out    =       null

Query: SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`user_group_id`, `User`.`username`,
`User`.`password`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`phone`, `User`.`mobile`,
`User`.`website`, `User`.`active`, `User`.`first_name`,
`User`.`last_name`, `User`.`ostan_id`, `User`.`shahr_id`,
`User`.`views`, `User`.`sex`, `User`.`coname`, `User`.`coadress`,
`User`.`coid`, `User`.`imagecount`, `User`.`videocount`,
`User`.`exdate`, `User`.`created` FROM `users` AS `User` WHERE
`Usercat`.`subcat_id` = 2 AND `User`.`shahr_id` = 576

1. i want fix this error
2.after i fix this error how can i send data for paginate?

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