Anyone there know about this problem with CakePHP 1.2.6 and Wamp
server. We get a blank Page in the Admins panel even after using
"Configure::write('debug', 2);" command. Its the case in Both xampp
and wamp. All other links are working on Xampp but not in Wamp. For
our other team mates, it seems Wamp is working fine with the previous
DB versions. Any throghts or any fixes or any ideas. Need URGENT HELP

Error: The requested address “/” was not found on this server –
CakePHP Error

This error message pops out if we use any versions of Wamp, we tried
clearing Cookies and all the troubleshooting thats available in
forums. Any ideas..

Also is there any configuration differences beteen Wamp and Xampp
since our cakephp codes are working on Xampp but not in wamp. Is there
any solution to have our Code working on Wamp and Xampp ?  Thanks in

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