eeks... nobody at all? :(

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Bryan Paddock <>wrote:

> Hey all,
> Trying to use GROUP by in containable behaviour and it's not working as
> expected.
> Ratings model has fields: *, Rating.restaurant_id, Rating.rating
> (1-5)*
> I have a query (which amongst other things) fetches the average + total
> ratings for a restaurant:
> $restaurant = $this->Restaurant->find('first', array(
>     'fields' => array(Restaurant.x, Restaurant.y, Restaurant.z),
>     'contain' => array(
>         'model1' => array(x, y, z),
> *        'Rating' => array(*
> *          'fields' => array(*
> *            'AVG(Rating.rating)',*
> *            'COUNT('*
> *          )*
> *        ),*
>         'model2' => ...
>     )
> ));
> It works fine on my mysql version 5.0 on my dev server but as soon as I
> upload it onto live site mysql 4.1 I get error saying I *cannot mix group
> columns (avg, sum, etc) is illegal without a GROUPBY field.*
> So ok fair play, I'm not including a groupby field. I jumped in and added
> one:
> $restaurants = $this->Restaurant->find('all', array(
>     'fields' => array(Restaurant.x, Restaurant.y, Restaurant.z),
>     'contain' => array(
>         'model1' => array(x, y, z),
> *        'Rating' => array(*
> *          'fields' => array(*
> *            'AVG(Rating.rating)',*
> *            'COUNT('*
> *          ),*
> *          'group' => ''       // I also tried 'group' =>
> 'id'*
> *        ),*
>         'model2' => ...
>     )
> ));
> Which I would figure works but it doesn't. I get an error saying that *there
> is no column called 'group'* and it is trying to execute this query:
> SELECT `Rating`.`restaurant_id`, AVG(`Rating`.`rating`),
> COUNT(`Rating`.`id`), `Rating`.`group` FROM `ratings` AS `Rating` WHERE
> `Rating`.`restaurant_id` = (5)
> Am I using containable incorrectly?

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