Hi everybody

I have 2 models (User,Comp) and 2 Controllers
(users_controller,comps_controller).Users & Comps table have no
relationship.They are independent of one another.Now i have a login
View where there are four things {1} Input box for Username, {2} Input
box for Password , {3} Select box for installed Company Names and {4}
a submit button.

Now, Login View is generated from login action in the

        var $name='Users';
        var $helpers = array('Html','Form');
        var $uses = array('User','Comp'); /*--Name of the Model this
Controller uses--*/
        function index()

function login()
                /*--------Name of the layout it
                $this->layout = 'default'; /*--Name of the layout it uses from 
directory app/views/layouts--*/

                //Call Comp Model using loadModel()
                $cNames = $this->Comp->find('list',array('fields'=>
                //$cNames = $this->Comp->query("SELECT comps.comp_name FROM 

                //redirect user if already logged in
                if ($this->Session->check('User'))

                if (empty($this->data) == false)
                        //set the form data to enable Input data validation
                        //see if the input data validates
                                //check the user is valid
                                $result = 
                                if($result !== false)
                                        //save to session
/*--'User' name of the

                                        //show message
                                        //$this->Session->setFlash('You have 
successfully logged in');
                                        //redirect to appropriate page
                                        $this->Session->setFlash('Either your 
Username or Password is

Username and Password are from User model but Company name is from
Comp model.Now i want to create a session variable and in there i want
to store the Company name selectd from the select box.Now, my problem
is how do i access the value of Select box in the controller so that i
could put it in a session variable under the following given
circumstances.Please advise

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