In a normal world, the following code would work... you receive a
variable on your function, and you save it on a session, then the next
page is able to read it ( the SET is just to display it on the
views )... however, in CakePHP 1.3.4 Stable seems to fail, i can see
the variable on the initial function [ browse ], but is empty in the
following function [ display ]

function browse($variable) {
  $this->Session->write('mysession.variable', $variable);
  $this->set('variable', $variable);
} // function: browse

function display() {
  $this->set('variable', $this->Session->read('mysession.variable'));
} // function: display

More funny is that the following code DOES WORK:

function browse() {
  $variable = 5;
  $this->Session->write('mysession.variable', $variable);
  $this->set('variable', $variable);
} // function: browse

function display() {
  $this->set('variable', $this->Session->read('mysession.variable'));
} // function: display

So seems the problem i'm experiencing is only with the variable you
get through the functions parameters... anyone has a clue on what's
going on? is driving me crazy and it makes no fuc*ing sense. I didn't
seem to experience that behavior on CakePHP 1.2 though.


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