Ok so whats the URL that saveRating() points to? And what does the
action look like.

On Oct 12, 2:40 pm, Tomfox Wiranata <tomfox.wiran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> when a user clicks on a product link a url like this opens:   products/
> show/45
> 45 is the products id. this id is part of a select statement to
> retrieve the correct information from the database.
> controller function:
> show($id=null){
> some code...
>           SELECT * from products WHERE products.id=$id...;
> some code...
> }
> now the user has the opportunity to rate this product. after the user
> rated i wanna show the new result and the new count. of course with
> ajax feeling. so I use JQUERY to pass the rating value to a function
> named "rate".
>         $("#lkbl_rating_stars_list").stars({
>                 inputType: "select",
>                 cancelShow: false,
>                 callback:  function(value, link){
>                 saveRating();
>         }
>         });
> function saveRating()
> {
>                                 var ui = 
> $("#lkbl_rating_stars_list").data("stars");
>                                 var ratingValue = ui.options.value;
>                                 $('#ratingt').load('rate', {data: 
> ratingValue});
> }
> now cake throws error
> "Warning 512: SQL error. cant find column rate". looking at the sql
> statement that is generated:
> SELECT * from products WHERE products.id=rate...;
> that tells me, that jquery send the data thru the URL and somehow the
> $id is replaced by "rate"...which makes no sense :)
> HOW do I have to pass data with jquery to my controller without
> screwing with the url? is .load not correct?
> appreciate it. thanks

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