But I need to access the cookie in the model because that model uses a
dbconfig that relies in what the cookie is set to.

On Oct 14, 4:15 pm, cricket <zijn.digi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Raisen <weys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So I want to read a cookie using the Cakephp's Cookie class. First, I
> > tried to import only the cookie class and read the cookie, but I was
> > getting an error stating that the cipher key cannot be null. So I
> > imported the Configure class, set the key property of the cookie
> > instance to the respective cipher key, but the cookie is returning a
> > different result from what it's set to. Any ideas?\
> > The override constructor class looks like:
> > class Member extends AppModel {
> >        function __construct( $id = false, $table = NULL, $ds = NULL ) {
> >                App::import('Component','Cookie');
> >                App::import('Core','Configure');
> >                $conf = new Configure();
> >                $cookie = new CookieComponent();
> >                $cookie->key = $conf->read("Security.cipherSeed");
> >                var_dump($cookie->read('sel_app'));
> > ...
> >                parent::__construct($id,$table,$ds);
> You should read & write to cookies in the controller (or component)
> not the model.

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