On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Paul Willis <paul.wil...@me.com> wrote:
> I'm looking into turning on caching for my 1.3.4 site.
> In the cookbook 
> <http://book.cakephp.org/view/1379/Cache-Helper-Configuration> it says "first 
> uncomment and set Configure::Cache.check to true in core.php" but that 
> doesn't appear in my core.php

Perhaps you deleted it. In any case, Configure::write('Cache.check',
true) is what you want. That, and Configure::write('Cache.disable',

> Also while looking at core.php I noticed it's missing the closing ?> php tag 
> is this an error I should report or is this file closed somewhere else in the 
> code?

The stock file does include the closing tag, so, again, perhaps you
(or someone else) deleted it. But its absence is of no consequence. I
generally do not include it because any whitespace after it will often
cause the dreaded "headers already sent" error.

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