Is there any way to do that at the action level, rather than the
controller level?  Different actions may have different userlevel

On Oct 19, 7:18 pm, jsalonen <> wrote:
> The easiest way to do it is probably simpler than you think: set the
> $authorize variable of AuthComponent to "controller", and add
> isAuthorized method to your controllers, kind of like:
> function beforeFilter() {
>     $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller';
> }
> function isAuthorized() {
>     // get access level from user's profile
>     $accessLevel = $this->Auth->user('access_level');
>     // find the required access level for $this->action
>    $requiredLevel = xxx($this->action);
>    return $accessLevel >= $requiredLevel;
> }
> You could implement "xxx" with an array of numbers or what ever you
> like...
> By the way you could use ACL for the same effect: ACOs don't have to
> be "actions." They can just as well be user roles, and then you use
> ACL to check if a given user has access to the required role. More
> flexible but probably not worth the effort for the simpler cases.
> On Oct 20, 1:48 am, xtraorange <> wrote:
> > Howdy all,
> > ACL seems to just be too complicated for what I'm doing, particularly
> > with all the actions I have... the table is hard to keep organized,
> > and it's way too hard to edit permissions.  So I'm looking for
> > something else.
> > The site I'm building has need for multiple user levels, but the user
> > would only need to belong to one of these levels (for example, user,
> > moderator, admin, site master).
> > Here's what I'm thinking:
> > An auth function I can put at the top of an action that I can either
> > pass a number to, or an array of numbers to, as a minimum "level" for
> > the user to access that action (or in the case of an array, each level
> > defined as true/false).  Each user would then simply have a number in
> > their user data that would indicate their level.
> > Questions:
> > 1.  Is there anything wrong with this (other than the fact that it
> > goes against the grain of typical ACL)?
> > 2.  What would be the easiest way to implement this?  Extend the auth
> > class with a custom class and add my functions, or a new class, or
> > just a function?
> > 3.  Any other suggestions that would handle what I'm looking for that
> > I'm not considering?
> > Thank you!
> > xtraorange

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