Is the source code encoded in UTF-8? Not all byte sequences are valid
in UTF-8. Htmlentities, the function that is used to "escape" the
title, clobbers input that is invalid in the character encoding you

You can check if this is the issue with code like this:

if ("ę" == "\304\231") echo "It is UTF-8";
else echo "It is not UTF-8";

On Oct 20, 6:38 pm, KK <> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I use in my small cakephp (version 1.3) project some UTF8 signs.
> In one of my view I used lines below:
> echo $this->Html->link('tryb edycji albumów', array('controller' =>
> 'albums', 'action' => 'index'));
> echo $this->Html->link('tryb edycji albumow', array('controller' =>
> 'albums', 'action' => 'index'));
> And as an output I received only the second line:
> <a href="/album/albums/index"></a>
> <a href="/album/albums/index">tryb edycji albumow</a>
> How you may see, this first string with strange Polish letter ó (in
> UTF8: &#281;) is not appear in html source.
> I set UTF8 encoding in every places I could:
> - in app\config\core.php: Configure::write('App.encoding', 'UTF8');
> - in .htaccess files: AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
> - in app\views\layauts\default.ctp: echo $this->Html-
> >charset('UTF-8');
> In other places in this view file, Polish letters: ó (&#281;) and
> others, are displaying with any problems.
> How do you think, what could I do to make this function Html-link(..)
> working properly? Does anyone know?
> I would be very thankful for help!
> Regards!
> KK

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