its hard to say... you might check which processes the CPUs are
running. I'm not familiar with sar, but top and ps let you know which
are the processes consuming most CPU/memory.

if it's httpd, then you're right, cakephp is consuming all those cpu
cycles. alas, you may check for invalid redirections - I once had this
faulty app that kept on redirecting endlessly to the same page, and it
went just like your machine did.

i'm running 10 cakephp apps on production level (~30.000 hits/day)
since the days of cake 1.1 and, except for the above, never had any
problem like yours.


On 23 out, 14:49, airween <> wrote:
> Hello Cake Users,
> I'm new in Cake - exactly I'm not a Cake user/developer, I'm a system
> administrator.
> System is a LAMP enviroment, hardware is a HP DL380, with two CPU,
> every CPU has 2 cores.
> I've a site since few weeks ago - since then the CPU utilization isn't
> above 100%, but usually over 200%.
> I've created a controller, which does "nothing": it contains just a
> simple index() method, which's empty. Also I configured the routes,
> and when I get the URL:
> http://mysite/foo
> the default layout rendered, which has a header and a footer.
> I tested this controller on an another HW, which has 8 core; the
> client was ab (apache benchmark), and until the test I've monitored
> the system:
> sar -P ALL 1 1000
> (client: ab -n 100 -c 100  http://mysite/foo)
> Until the test sar reported this values:
> 19.27.17        CPU     %user     %nice   %system   %iowait
> %steal     %idle
> 19.27.18        all     88,38      0,00     10,88      0,00
> 0,00      0,75
> 19.27.18          0     89,00      0,00      9,00      0,00
> 0,00      2,00
> 19.27.18          1     83,00      0,00     17,00      0,00
> 0,00      0,00
> 19.27.18          2     91,00      0,00      9,00      0,00
> 0,00      0,00
> 19.27.18          3     90,00      0,00     10,00      0,00
> 0,00      0,00
> 19.27.18          4     90,10      0,00      9,90      0,00
> 0,00      0,00
> 19.27.18          5     86,87      0,00     13,13      0,00
> 0,00      0,00
> 19.27.18          6     91,00      0,00      9,00      0,00
> 0,00      0,00
> 19.27.18          7     87,00      0,00     10,00      0,00
> 0,00      3,00
> When test has finished, the %user has gone 0,00, and %idle about 99,9%
> again.
> On that machine another MVC frameworks and another sites (CMS's)
> (which uses Codeigniter, Drupal...) I _can't_ create this effect.
> I don't use .htaccess.
> Cake version is 1.2.8, I downloaded it today.
> What could be the problem?
> Thank you:
> a.

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