Ok this might be hard to explain. 

Picture a single form that has multiple selects. 

Each select belongs to a section_id so it can range between 1 -5 in its id
value. A Section has many Options and Options belong To Section

Each section_id has many options so to make it clear to understand


Section 1 you can select values of 0-5

Section 2 selects can select options 6 - 10

Section 3 can select say options 11 - 15


So the form has


Select1  | Select1 | Select1


Select2  | Select2 | Select2


Select3  | Select3 | Select3


Now comes validation I need to ensure that the values were not changed buy
firebug so someone tries to save a Select3 option as a value in Select2.make


So when validating select1 its only valid if it contains values 0-5. I am
currently doing a foreach thru the submitted array and checking with


foreach ( $data['UsersOption'] as $key => $value) {


//cached data sets of $section_id for each section 

//so this gets all options available to choose from for the section

$valid_options = $this->Option->__getOptionList( $value['section_id'] );


if ( !in_array( $key, $valid_options ) ) {

//if not in list specific to the section remove key

unset( $data['UsersOption'][$key] );




I know its rather hard to understand but maybe someone would know if there
is a better way?






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