It's better practice to use model relationships rather than $uses.
i.e. $this->User->Drug->find();

On Nov 12, 4:30 pm, naidim <> wrote:
> For the homepage controller, if User and Drug are not related but you
> want to use those models, you have to include them both. Maybe I
> should specify that, thanks.
> Not sure I understand the 1.3 point. 'add' was added because I noticed
> scaffold methods are not allowed when you allow('*'); so you have to
> allow it specifically. Is that what the "^^" does?
> I don't change my hash, but just mention the option is there because
> others might want to. How important is it to not change it?
> I totally don't understand the last point, sorry.
> On Nov 10, 7:07 pm, euromark <> wrote:
> > a few things
> > var $uses = array('User', 'Drugs');
> > i guess the drugs are related to users?
> > var $uses = array('User');
> > might be just enough then
> > you mix 1.3 helper syntax and old syntax
> > $this->Auth->allow('*', 'add');
> > probably was meant to be
> > $this->Auth->allow('*'); ^^
> > i would not change the security hash function (and not to md5 in
> > particular)
> > "$this->Auth->loginRedirect" etc
> > careful: the urls should contain admin=>false and plugin=>false to
> > avoid problems if you are
> > in those routes!
> > other than that a nice tutorial for beginners

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