No matter what I try I cant get this to work.


I need to pull all records from Offer only if not in Reject


I tried manual JOINS but all I ever get is a list of all Reject records.


SELECT DISTINCT `Offer`.`id` ,  `Offer`.`title` , `Reject` . *

FROM `Offers` AS `Offer`

LEFT JOIN `Rejects` AS `Reject` ON ( `Offer`.`id` = `Reject`.`offer_id` )

WHERE `Reject`.`offer_id` = `Offer`.`id`

AND `Reject`.`profile_id` = '4b4ff09c-2580-4e21-9dbf-36b74adcd75b'

ORDER BY `Offer`.`created` DESC



Just trying the query directly in SQL phpMyAdmin window,  then if I can get
it to work I will put it in the model..



Basic English is there are 100 Offers as User goes thru offers they Reject
which creates a record in Reject with id, profile_id and offer_id

So the offer list that has 100 total records / user rejected 25 so that's
users list will actually only display 75 records.


Offers are for various users so simply deleting the offer is not an option


Tried=>  AND `Reject`.`Offer_id` != `Offer`.`id`but nothing is returned



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