Ok this is a weird one. 

I made my "star" favourites icon click sends ajax request and saves the post
as favourite to favorite_posts table. Nothing over the top there.


So I added 100 dummy posts and went thru bookmarking everyone as a favourite
only to see 98 saved. There are 2 Posts that will not save and I can not
figure out why.


I have deleted the db table tried again. The post_id is unique , no
permissions to bookmark once logged in.I simply can not understand why 2 of
100 will not save.  I can click to save / click again removes the fav, click
on same one over and over and they work fine.


98 respond with my JSON response success


The 2 that do not save return an HTML response. 

They  return a view not even related to the page I am on. I am at
posts/index and the response for those crazy to renders favourites/index
form to delete.


Just looking for any random idea that might help.





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