
I have a bunch of models with various associations set up between them
and seems like Cakephp at times executes incorrect SQL statement and
cause MySQL to barf.

Please refer the the "EDIT" followed by this to see some examples of
the problem.

It doesn't happen all the time but it eventually happens since I am
doing everything in a tight loop.

Please help. This really makes me question my decision to go with Cake
since this sounds bad.


EDIT 1 I just ran into the problem and here is the faulty SQL:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `albums_songs` AS `AlbumSong`   WHERE
`ArtistGenre`.`id` = 26482

AlbumSong and ArtistGenre are two completely separate tables and they
are not related at all.

EDIT 2 Just ran into another failure. The code is:

$this->Song->find('first', array('conditions' =>
array('Song.artist_id' => 30188, 'Song.name' => 'Pal Pal
(By.Tarkhanz)'), 'fields' => array('Song.id')))

While the generated SQL is:

SELECT `Song`.`id` FROM `songs` AS `Song`   WHERE `Artist`.`name` =
'Annie Villeneuve'    LIMIT 1

As you can see no were in the conditions do I specify an Artist.name
yet the SQL generated is looking at it.

EDIT 3 Another example failure. Call is as followed:

$this->Song->id = $song_id;
$library_count = $this->Song->field('Song.library_count');

Yet the SQL is:

SELECT `Song`.`library_count` FROM `songs` AS `Song`   WHERE
`Artist`.`name` = 'Mazikana_Ragheb_Allama'    LIMIT 1

where Artist.name is not a column of Song as it belongs to the Artist


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