Thanks for your opinion, cricket.

I just really like my approach because everything that has to do with
permissions is handled at one single point. I'm only working on a
small company-internal application, so I prefer handiness over
performance stuff. I haven't too much experience with my solution yet,
but I expect it to be very useful.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 7:07 PM, cricket <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Joshua Muheim <> wrote:
>> Yes you're right, jeremy, I made this example up (my real User model
>> doesn't have an Address, I just added this to show that there are
>> cases where there's more than one key that isn't another array
>> itself).
>> The reason why I'd like to know this is the following.
>> I have implemented a simple ACL component that delivers an ActiveUser
>> object to the views which can be asked for permissions for certain
>> things:
>> // In the view...
>> <li><?php if($usr->allowed('Users', 'edit')) echo
>> $this->Html->link(__('Edit User', true), array('action' => 'edit',
>> $post['User']['id'])); ?> </li>
>> This works great so far, but it only works on the controller/action level.
>> Every user is in a group which provides an ACL access string like
>> "!*:*,*:index,*:view" for guests or "!*:*,Users:*" for users editors
>> or "*:*" for administrators. So with the functionality above, only
>> administrators can edit users. But I'd also like my users to be able
>> to edit their own user data.
>> So I thought of an extended $usr->allowed(...) version which also
>> accepts a model instance like the following:
>> $usr->allowed('edit', $userInstance) // $userInstance is not the data
>> array, but a real "new User()" instance
> That looks like an awfully expensive way to do things. Why don't you
> just check with the session that this is the same User?
>> Then in the User::allowed(...) method I can ask the model instance
>> itself whether it wants to allow something or not:
>> function allowed
>>  if(last param is model object)
>>    return modelObject->allows($action, $this->id)
>>  else
>>    do normal ACL string stuff...
>> }
>> So I can implement an allows(...) method in every model I'd like to
>> have authorisation functionality on a model instance level:
>> // In the model...
>> function allows($action, $userId)
>>  return $this->user_id == $userId // If the user is the same like the
>> one who owns the record, then let him edit it!
> view:
> if (if ($data['User']['id'] == $this->Session->read(''))
> {
>        echo $this->Html->link(
>                'Profile',
>                array('admin' => 0, 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 
> 'edit'), //
> no ID passed!
>                array('title' => 'Edit your profile')
>        );
> }
> controller (edit method not allowed by Auth):
> function edit()
> {
>        if (!empty($this->data))
>        {
>                // isn't even in the edit form
>                $this->data['User']['id'] = $this->Auth->user('id');
>                // validate & save
>        }
>        else
>        {
>                $this->data = $this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id'));
>        }
> }
> or:
> function edit()
> {
>        if (!empty($this->data))
>        {
>                if ($this->data['User']['id'] == $this->Auth->user('id'))
>                {
>                        // ...
>                }
>                else
>                {
>                        // Somebody's been fiddling with hidden form inputs. 
> Prepare a scolding.
>                }
>        }
>        else
>        {
>                $this->data = $this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id'));
>        }
> }
> Done.
>> This works great so far, too. But because CakePHP doesn't deliver
>> views with real model instances but only data arrays, I'd like to be
>> able to pass them to the allowed(...) method, too. There I only have
>> to re-create the model instance, so I can ask it for allowance. And
>> here's the problem: it seems there can't be known what model a data
>> array originated from... Or can there? :-)
> Not that I want to encourage you to pursue this but, AFAIK, the first
> model in $data is the primary one.
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