If this were a genuine problem there'd be lots of people complaining - this is 
one of the fundamentals of any app. As much as you can't see it now and don't 
want to hear it, the problem DOES lie in your code, somewhere.

Are the failures you have specified repeatable? In other words, does it always 
fail at the same point(s)? Are you doing any data manipulation as part of the 
loop? If so, are you taking account of the changed data for the rest of the 
loop? What happens if you disable any data modifying code?

Here's what I'd do (some of this has already been suggested - not sure if you 
followed them through):
- Clear all of my caches
- Turn caching off
- Download the latest version of Cake (or a clean copy of the version I am 
using) and replace the contents of my Cake directory with the clean, fresh, 
untouched one
- Check my model associations; do I have belongsTo and hasMany the wrong way 
around - it can happen, and even one instance could be enough to trip it up
- Check that I don't have any joins of routes or queries - anything - hard 
coded that could be causing this
- Examine my looping code using debug statements
- Strip the code down to the bone and gradually build back up until it breaks

Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit


On 22 Nov 2010, at 19:20, qua...@gmail.com wrote:

> Ran into another stop.
> Code:
> $this->Album->id = $album_id;
> $this->Album->field('Album.library_count');
> SQL:
> SELECT `Album`.`library_count` FROM `albums` AS `Album`   WHERE
> `Song`.`artist_id` = 7590 AND `Song`.`name` = 'One Thing Leads to
> Another'    LIMIT 1
> I probably will need to write custom queries myself instead of relying
> on Cake to do the right thing for me.
> On Nov 22, 10:35 am, "qua...@gmail.com" <qua...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am gong to try with recursive = -1.
>> Thanks.
>> On Nov 22, 9:35 am, John Andersen <j.andersen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Have recreated a test environment with your tables and models in
>>> accordance with your specified model associations. Added some very few
>>> test data and executed some of your find statements, to see if I could
>>> make it produce the same (erroneous) SQL statements.
>>> Testing using the code below:
>>> [code]
>>> $this->Song->recursive = -1;
>>> for($i = 0; $i < 3500; $i++){
>>>    $this->Song->find(
>>>       'first', array(
>>>          'conditions' => array(
>>>             'Song.artist_id' => rand(1,2),
>>>             'Song.name' => 'Song number '.rand(1,7)
>>>          ),
>>>          'fields' => array('Song.id', 'Song.name')
>>>       )
>>>    );}
>>> [/code]
>>> After having executed more than 20000 find statements, I still could
>>> not see any erroneous SQL statement. All created statements looks like
>>> this:
>>> [code]
>>> SELECT `Song`.`id`, `Song`.`name` FROM `songs` AS `Song` WHERE
>>> `Song`.`artist_id` = 2 AND `Song`.`name` = 'Song number 5' LIMIT 1
>>> [/code]
>>> Testing using the code below (from Song controller):
>>> [code]
>>> $this->Song->AlbumSong->recursive = -1;
>>> for($i = 0; $i < 3500; $i++){
>>>    $this->Song->AlbumSong->find(
>>>       'count', array(
>>>          'conditions' => array(
>>>             'AlbumSong.album_id' => rand(1,3),
>>>             'AlbumSong.song_id' => rand(1,7)
>>>          )
>>>       )
>>>    );}
>>> [/code]
>>> After having executed more than 20000 find statements, I still could
>>> not see any erroneous SQL statement. All created statements looks like
>>> this:
>>> [code]
>>> SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `albums_songs` AS `AlbumSong` WHERE
>>> `AlbumSong`.`album_id` = 3 AND `AlbumSong`.`song_id` = 4
>>> [/code]
>>> My environment:
>>> Apache/2.2.14
>>> PHP 5.3.1
>>> MySQL  5.0.5
>>> CakePHP 1.3.2
>>> Enjoy,
>>>    John
>>> On 21 Nov., 19:51, "qua...@gmail.com" <qua...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Here are model setup:
>>>> models/album.php
>>>> <?php
>>>> class Album extends AppModel {
>>>>         var $name = 'Album';
>>>>         var $belongsTo = array(
>>>>                 'Artist' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Artist',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'artist_id',
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => ''
>>>>                 )
>>>>         );
>>>>         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>>>>                 'Song' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Song',
>>>>                         'joinTable' => 'albums_songs',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'album_id',
>>>>                         'associationForeignKey' => 'song_id',
>>>>                         'unique' => true,
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => '',
>>>>                         'limit' => '',
>>>>                         'offset' => '',
>>>>                         'finderQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'deleteQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'insertQuery' => ''
>>>>                 )
>>>>         );
>>>>         var $hasMany = array(
>>>>                 'AlbumSong' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'AlbumSong',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'album_id',
>>>>                         'dependent' => false,
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => '',
>>>>                         'limit' => '',
>>>>                         'offset' => '',
>>>>                         'exclusive' => '',
>>>>                         'finderQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'counterQuery' => ''
>>>>                 )
>>>>         );}
>>>> ?>
>>>> models/album_song.php
>>>> <?php
>>>> class AlbumSong extends AppModel {
>>>>         var $name = 'AlbumSong';
>>>>         var $useTable = 'albums_songs';
>>>>         var $belongsTo = array(
>>>>                 'Song' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Song',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'song_id',
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => ''
>>>>                 ),
>>>>                 'Album' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Album',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'album_id',
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => ''
>>>>                 )
>>>>         );}
>>>> ?>
>>>> models/artist.php
>>>> <?php
>>>> class Artist extends AppModel {
>>>>         var $name = 'Artist';
>>>>         var $hasMany = array(
>>>>                 'Album' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Album',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'artist_id',
>>>>                         'dependent' => false,
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => '',
>>>>                         'limit' => '',
>>>>                         'offset' => '',
>>>>                         'exclusive' => '',
>>>>                         'finderQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'counterQuery' => ''
>>>>                 ),
>>>>                 'Song' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Song',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'artist_id',
>>>>                         'dependent' => false,
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => '',
>>>>                         'limit' => '',
>>>>                         'offset' => '',
>>>>                         'exclusive' => '',
>>>>                         'finderQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'counterQuery' => ''
>>>>                 ),
>>>>                 'ArtistGenre' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'ArtistGenre',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'artist_id',
>>>>                         'dependent' => false,
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => '',
>>>>                         'limit' => '',
>>>>                         'offset' => '',
>>>>                         'exclusive' => '',
>>>>                         'finderQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'counterQuery' => ''
>>>>                 )
>>>>         );}
>>>> ?>
>>>> models/artist_genre.php
>>>> <?php
>>>> class ArtistGenre extends AppModel {
>>>>         var $name = 'ArtistGenre';
>>>>         var $useTable = 'artists_genres';
>>>>         var $belongsTo = array(
>>>>                 'Artist' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Artist',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'artist_id',
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => ''
>>>>                 ),
>>>>                 'Genre' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Genre',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'genre_id',
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => ''
>>>>                 )
>>>>         );}
>>>> ?>
>>>> models/genre.php
>>>> <?php
>>>> class Genre extends AppModel {
>>>>         var $name = 'Genre';
>>>>         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>>>>                 'Artist' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'Artist',
>>>>                         'joinTable' => 'artists_genres',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'genre_id',
>>>>                         'associationForeignKey' => 'artist_id',
>>>>                         'unique' => true,
>>>>                         'conditions' => '',
>>>>                         'fields' => '',
>>>>                         'order' => '',
>>>>                         'limit' => '',
>>>>                         'offset' => '',
>>>>                         'finderQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'deleteQuery' => '',
>>>>                         'insertQuery' => ''
>>>>                 )
>>>>         );
>>>>         var $hasMany = array(
>>>>                 'ArtistGenre' => array(
>>>>                         'className' => 'ArtistGenre',
>>>>                         'foreignKey' => 'genre_id',
>> ...
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